- 或might
- "与或非" 门AND-OR-NOT gate
- 非not-
- 与或非AOI
- 做、给与或避免某事的具有约束力的誓言。a binding commitment to do or give or refrain from something.
- 与或非门and or not gate
- 与或图数据库的可达算法和寻根算法Accessibility and rooting algorithm for a hypergraph relational database
- 或非non disjunction
- 由与或式逻辑函数直接填写卡诺图化简逻辑函数算法分析The Analysis of the Calculate Way to Turn Chien Logic Function by Filling in Directly from Logic Function of and- or Type
- 野生植物,野生苗野生的植物或非耕种的植物,尤指野苹果树和野苹果A plant that grows wild or has escaped from cultivation, especially a wild apple tree or its fruit.
- 由于该系统采用"与或树"的表达方法,因而不产生"遗忘问题";The method of using AND/OR tree is applied to the system so it does not lead up to the problem of neligence.
- "或非" 门inclusive-NOR gate
- 采用与或树、产生式规则和DBMS相结合的知识表示方法建立专家系统。The knowledge presentation of the combination of the AND/ OR tree and production rule is applied in the expert system.
- "或非" 电路NOR circuit
- "或非" 算子NOR operator
- "或非" 元件NOR element
- "或非" 运算negative OR operation
- "或非" 作用NOR-function
- 宗教信仰异教的或非正统的宗教信仰A heretical or unorthodox religious belief.
- "或非" 门电路OR-NOT circuit