- (=environment) 环境,周围environ.
- 周围surrounding
- 周围的circumambient
- 周围环境mise en scene
- WebSphere Everyplace Custom Environment是将内嵌应用程序部署到实时控制系统的运行时环境。WebSphere Everyplace Custom Environment is a runtime environment for the deployment of embedded applications to real-time control systems.
- 不要编辑sp_tsql_environment过程Do not edit the sp_tsql_environment procedure
- 在周围round
- neritic environment (浅海环境)大陆架环境
- UNEP=United Nations Environment Program联合国环境规划署
- 铁路周围环境railway surroundings
- 周围是茫茫一片砂石地。The surrounding country is a wilderness of sand.
- 她任性得无要救药,老是同周围的人闹别扭。She's hopelessly headstrong; she always gets up against people around her.
- 一个由联合国环境署(United Nations environment Program)起草的报告表示,除非采取紧急措施,否则非洲将面临严重的环境问题。A report by the United Nations Environment Program says Africa faces severe environmental problems unless urgent action is taken.
- 如果你周围的人们失去了理智而责怪你时,你能够保持冷静。If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs and blaming it on you.
- 让我们更紧密地团结在党中央的周围,去争取更大的胜利。Let us rally closer round the Party Central Committee to win still greater victories.
- MYSQL_TCP_PORT environment variable,在Unix中运行多个服务器,在多服务器环境中使用客户端程序,客户端脚本和实用工具概述,环境变量MYSQL_TCP_PORT environment variable, Running Multiple Servers on Unix, Using Client Programs in a Multiple-Server Environment, Overview of Client and Utility Programs, Environment Variables
- 如今,在基于Web的开发环境中,有Sun公司的Sun ONE(Open Net Environment,开放网络环境)和Microsoft公司的. Net两大服务技术体系。Now, in the development environment based on web, there are two kinds of technology system: Sun ONE (Open Net Environment) of Sun Corp and .
- 同周围环境不调和。It jars with the surroundings.
- 新的办公大楼与周围的环境很不协调.The new office block doesn't blend in with its surroundings.
- 这所房子的颜色与它那美丽的周围环境很不协调。The paint of the house jars with the beautiful surroundings.