- lex loci rei sitae (拉)所在地法律
- 萨拉丁古堡Citadel of Saladin
- 一方面,随着后基因时代的到来和生物信息的迅速发展,数量性状基因(Quantitative Trait Loci,简称QTL)定位领域发展迅速。Nowadays, since the bioinformatics and genetic science are making rapid progresses, the Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) grows into a hot researching area.
- 一首拉丁诗a Latin verse
- DNA分子标记可把复杂的数量性状分解成若干个数量性状位点(quantitative trait loci,QTL)的效应,并将QTL转入到栽培品系中去。In genetics, the advent of molecular markers enables the dissection of a complex trait into a number of quantitative trait loci (QTL), and assists the transfer of these QTL into desired cultivars or lines.
- 阿拉丁铝铜锌合金Aladdin
- 拉丁区the Latin quarter
- 人所共知的拉丁谚语a well-known Latin tag
- 拉丁居民区the Latin quarter
- 标准拉丁方standard Latin square
- 拟拉丁方quasi latin square
- 拉丁基金Fundalatin [Venezuela]
- 拉丁帝国Latin Empire
- 拉丁矩形latin rectangle
- 巴拉丁伯爵的夫人palsgravine
- 西拉丁Celadin
- 拉丁法Law Latin
- 病态拉丁方pathological Latin square
- 拉丁超立方Latin hypercube
- 拉丁化的字togated words