- 经scripture
- 经期menstrual period
- (=closed reduction) 闭合复位术cl. rd.
- (=reduction-oxidation reaction) 还原-氧化反应redox.
- 心经heart channel
- 经编warp knitting
- 道德经Classic of the Virtue of the Tao
- 首先,提出一种新型的属性约简策略ARS(Attributes Reduction Strategy)。Firstly, a new attributes reduction strategy (ARS) is discussed.
- 经授权的authorized
- NO_x存储-还原(NO_x storage reduction,NSR)法是消除稀燃发动机尾气中NO_x的一种非常有效的方法。The NO_x storage-reduction (NSR) method is a very effective approach to reduce the NO_x emission from the lean-burn engines and the NSR catalysts based on Pt and Ba have been most extensively studied.
- 经书Confucian classics
- 绝经menostasia
- 爱经Kamasutra
- 五经the five classics
- 外经foreign economic relations
- 经向warp direction
- 经停stop over
- 不经without
- 经痛menstrual colic
- 停经amenorrhea [absence of menstruation]