- For many years they warred against Nazi Germany. 他们同纳粹德国作战长达几年。
- Britain declared war on Germany in 1914. 英国在1914年向德国宣战。
- Germany began to attack the Soviet Union in1941. 德国在1941年开始进攻苏联。
- In Germany, shop shut on Saturday afternoon. 在德国,每星期六的下午停止营业。
- In tonight's programme our focus is on Germany. 在今天晚上的节目中我们重点介绍德国。
- He sent his son away to school in Germany. 他把儿子送往德国念书。
- Hitler tried to liquidate the Jews in Germany. 希特勒试图全部消灭德国的犹太人。
- France borders Germany along parts of the Rhine. 法国沿莱茵河部分河段与德国接壤。
- At the finals, they lost to Germany. 在决赛中他们输给了德国。
- He leveled his alpenstock at his sister. 他把登山杖对准了姐姐。
- England fought against Germany in the First World War. 英国在第一次世界大战时兴德国打仗。
- He chose Germany, but personally I'd prefer to go to Spain. 他选择了德国,而我个人倒更喜欢西班牙。
- A former monetary unit of East Germany worth 100 pfennigs. 东德马克德意志民主共和国使用的货币单位,等于100芬尼。
- France has fallen behind (Germany) in coal production. 法国在产煤方面落後(於德国)了。
- Karl Marx was born in Germany, and German was his native language. 卡尔马克思生于德国,德语是他的本族语。
- They were near the border between France and Germany. 他们在法德边界附近。
- Germany planned to challenge Britain's naval supremacy. 德国计划向英国的制海权挑战。
- The hot dog did not originate in the United States, but in Germany. 热狗不是起源于美国,而是德国。
- Several South American states broke off diplomatic relations with Nazi Germany. 几个南美洲国家和纳粹德国断绝了外交关系。
- During the postwar years in Germany, many honors were given to Einstein. 在战后的岁月里,爱因斯坦在德国得到了很多荣誉。