- [door,mouth+] 开着to hang open
- 开着leave on
- 艾米整个上午一直开着她的收音机,我希望她该休息了。Amy has been playing her radio all morning. I wish she'd give it a rest.
- 他们通常夜里开着灯。They usually keep a light on at night.
- 他开着摩托车一路疾驰。He belted along on his motorcycle.
- 骑手的夹克后背上开着长叉,使他骑在马上穿着更舒服。The rider's jacket is slit up the back to make it more comfortable to wear when riding.
- 用砖块撑门使其开着。Prop the door open with a brick.
- 他把门开着。He left the door open.
- 开着的open (circuit)
- 他们开着坦克哗啦一声冲过围栏。They crashed their tanks through the railings.
- 电视机是开着的The television is on.
- 新鲜空气从开着的窗户吹进来。The fresh air blew in from the open window.
- 电视机是开着的。The television set was on.
- 请你给我把门开着,好吗?Would you please hold the door open for me?
- 门开着,霍华德走了。The door was open, and Howard split.
- 只有烟店和报店开着门。Only the door are being opened in smoke shop and newspaper shop.
- 他将水龙头开着让厨房的水槽注满水。He left the tap open to fill the kitchen sink with water.
- 他开着一辆老式汽车。He drives an ancient car.
- 那扇门半开着。The door was/stood ajar.
- (门)半开着(up)on the [a] jar (ajar)