- 光light
- 光的photic
- FOCAL技术FOCAL technique
- 用光finish up
- 走光fog
- calibrated focal length (航摄镜头)标定焦距
- TLV(Type-Length-Value)TLV(Type-Length-Value)
- 夜光noctilucence
- (=secondary focal point(of lens)) 透镜的第二焦点F'
- 另外,可以对字符串使用Length运算符In addition, you can use the Length operator on a string
- 光是just
- 元素0不能存取-使用LENGTH或SETLENGTHElement 0 Inaccessible - use 'Length' or 'SetLength'
- 光伏photovoltaic
- 类型的长度始终与max_length相同。Length of the type is always the same as max_length.
- 暮光evening twilight
- 若前面的长短与深度相似,则用length.Width is used when the measurements of the front and of the depth are similar.
- 分光光度计spectrophotometer
- string-length函数返回字串包含的字符数。The string-length function returns the number of characters in the string.
- 有光glazed
- (=leg length discrepancy) 腿长差异,腿长不一致LL discrep.