- 军师counsellor
- HIT-T15细胞HIT-T15 cell
- 军绿military green
- contingent probability列联概率列联概率
- hit-or-miss拓扑hit=or-miss topology
- 领军leading
- Probability_s为每次试验中成功的概率。Probability_s is the probability of success on each trial.
- 用俚语“hit the road”表示“动身,上路”to slang “to start” with “hit the road”
- 军演military exercise
- “possibility”和“probability”之间有什么区别?What's the difference between "possibility" and "probability"?
- 军曹choush
- 在用于以上意义时, strike比hit较为文雅.When used with this meaning, strike is more formal than hit.
- “possibility ” and “probability ”之间的区别是什么?What's the difference between "possibility" and "probability"?
- 三军army; the three armed services
- 忠于自我的音乐精灵-孙燕姿,收录孙燕姿hit歌12首。A music angel loyal to herself - Sun Yanzi, featuring 12 hit songs of Sun Yanzi!
- 您将使用MINIMUM_PROBABILITY为0.01的挖掘模型创建查询。You will create this query by using the mining model a MINIMUM_PROBABILITY of 0.01.
- 华军软件园Huajun Software Field
- FT-HIT是我们自行研制的三模冗余(TMR)航天容错计算机。FT-HIT is an aerospace TMR fault tolerant computer system, which uses the technique of hardware redundancy and software implemented fauit tolerance.
- 领军人物leader
- 从该查询的结果可以看出,MINIMUM_PROBABILITY参数的值反映了查询所返回的结果。You can see from the results of this query that the value of the MINIMUM_PROBABILITY parameter affects the results returned by the query.