- 军师counsellor
- 军绿military green
- 领军leading
- 人们通常将“run”用于赛跑或有急事的场合。People usually " run " in a race or when they are in a hurry .
- 军演military exercise
- run (测微器)行差
- 军曹choush
- 总是吓得run away.But if you run away
- 三军army; the three armed services
- Run-to-Run控制Run-to-Run control
- 华军软件园Huajun Software Field
- Turn-Run-Turn算法turn-run-turn algorithm
- run-down (搪瓷缺陷)堆釉
- 领军人物leader
- 在非run模式,精度很低Low fidelity in non-run mode
- 俄军Russian army
- Run方法向调用方返回由The Run method returns to the caller the
- run harshly(发动机的)运转不规律
- 台军Taiwan army
- run marks (铸造用语)滑移线