- combined offer (外贸)联合报价
- Combined Link Set 的值一定不能等于 Link Set。The Combined Link Set must not be equal to Link Set
- abbr. 或依买方接近售价的出价(or near offer)o.n.o.
- offer subject to sellers confirmation卖方确认有效报价
- Combined Link Set = 必须为所有连到本地 STP 对的链路赋予同一个组合链路群值Combined Link Set = all links to the local STP pair must be assigned the same combined link set value
- 运用联合行为评分(Combined Behavioral Score,CBS),评价脊髓运动功能。Clinical neurological function was assessed with combined behavioral score (CBS).
- 招致外贸赤字Run up a foreign trade deficit
- 应用联合行为评分(Combined behavioral score,CBS)评价脊髓神经运动功能。Clinical neurological function wad assessed with combined behavioral score (CBS).
- 外贸界foreign trade circles
- 外贸部部长Minister of Foreign Trade
- 最近一种联合牙周再生技术(combined periodontal regenerative technique CPRT)用于牙周缺损的治疗。Recently Combined periodontal regenerative technique ( CPRT) has been used in treatment of periodontal defects. The effectiveness of CPRT has been evaluated in many studies in comparison to GTR, but conflicting results have been obtained.
- 请你方报5吨铜的亚历山大成本加保险和运费价? Could you make us an offer for 2, 000 tons of cotton FOB stowed Chilean port?Will you please give me a quotation for 5 tons of copper CIF Alexandra?
- 外贸法foreign trade law
- 柴燃联合动力装置分为CODOG(Combined Diesel Or Gas turbine)和CODAG(Combined Diesel And Gas turbine)两种形式。Diesel-Gas turbine combined power plant has two types: CODOG (Combined Diesel Or Gas turbine) and CODAG (Combined Diesel And Gas turbine).
- 外贸业foreign trade industry
- 外贸类international trade
- 中国自90年代以来外贸出口增长的一个重要因素是加工贸易出口的扩大。Processing trade expansion is a major factor behind China's export growth in the 1990s.
- 外贸产业The Export-Oriented Industry
- 外贸商品Trade commodities
- 义乌外贸Yiwu