- WEXP-rule算法WEXP-rule algorithm
- 准则(Rule)norm
- D=1.density密度
- 管子工是安装和修理水管的人。A plumber is a person who fits and mends the plumbing.
- [+rule,law] 违背in violation of
- 她成了该厂最好的缝纫工。She became the best sewer in the factory.
- material density (人口)实质密度
- 所有的提示(rule除外)使你使用CBO。All hints( except RULE) cause you to use the CBO.
- 厨工kitchen worker; kitchen hands
- packing density (粒状材料)堆积密度
- 最后,Rule编辑器允许你扩充另外的一些规则。Finally, the Rule editor enables you to extend the rule set with additional rules.
- 运输工haulageman
- fibre-end density (牵伸区的)纤维端密度
- 他是个见习机械工。He was a mechanic who was on probation.
- 如果找到匹配规则,则将rule中的权限与现有规则合并。If a matching rule is found, the rights in rule are merged with the existing rule.
- in-situ density(不采样测定的密度)原地密度
- 这位印刷工把这额外的一页加在这里。The printer can set this additional page in here.
- scanning line density (单位:线/毫米)扫描线密度
- 我明白了,rule在这里指的是你玩台球玩得最棒,可以打败任何人。对不对,Absolutely not! I said that I rule the pool table. That means that I am the best at playing pool. I can defeat anyone. Rule, R-U-L-E.L
- 身材矮胖的管子工a stockily built plumber