- 一碰到water就开始melt away.After eleven minutes
- 碰到water非但没有melt away,But the rice in the bags
- 521 and 1494 ps for the water hyacinth chloroplast;Our result in this work stands in line with the 20 ps electron transfer time constant in PS II rather sound and the water hyacinth plant grows slower than the spinach plant does as envisaged on the efficiency.
- 在a和t之间加个i,water(水)这个词就变成了waiter(侍者)。Insert "i"between"a"and"t", the word "water"will become"waiter"
- 如有小孩同行,可带他们到Wild Wadi Water Park水上乐园。If you are travelling with your kids, bring them to the Wild Wadi Water Park to beat the heat.
- 丰富运动环境下甲基汞对海马神经毒性减轻效果的Morris water maze实验评价The Estimate of the Effect of Environmental Enrichment Lightening the Methylmercury Toxicity to Hippocampal Gyrus by Morris Water maze Test
- · 从Unix平台上移植了一批标准并行计算程序,例如Barnes,TSP,Water,EP,LU等。Porting some standard parallel program form Unix platform, such as Barnes, TSP, LU, etc.
- 管子工是安装和修理水管的人。A plumber is a person who fits and mends the plumbing.
- 她成了该厂最好的缝纫工。She became the best sewer in the factory.
- 方法 :对 70例上颌窦患者均摄有 Water位、Caldwell位、部分患者加摄体层片、侧位片、颅底片及上颌窦造影片。Methods:All 70 cases were taken Water area and Caldwell area films,some added tomographic,profile,cranial base films and maxillary sinus radiography.
- 厨工kitchen worker; kitchen hands
- WASP5(The water quality analysis simulation pro-gram-5,水质分析模拟程序5),是EPA推荐使用的水质模型软件。WASP-5-Water quality analysis simulation pro-grams-5,was recommended by EPA used as software of water quality model.
- 运输工haulageman
- 他是个见习机械工。He was a mechanic who was on probation.
- 疏水缔合水溶性聚合物(Hydrophobically Associating Water-Soluble Polymer,简称HAWP)是亲水大分子链上带有少量疏水基团的水溶性聚合物。Hydrophobically associating water-soluble polymers is water-soluble polymer with bit of hydrophobic group in hydrophilic macro chain.
- 这位印刷工把这额外的一页加在这里。The printer can set this additional page in here.
- 身材矮胖的管子工a stockily built plumber
- (语法)表示一种动作而不是一种存在状态;用来指动词(例如“跑(to run)”)和分词形容词(例如在“流动的水(running water)”中的“流动的(running)”)。(grammar) expressing action rather than a state of being; used of verbs (e.g.'to run') and participial adjectives (e.g.'running'in'running water').
- 砌砖工brickmason
- 比如,外语学习者常常造出这样的句子There is some water in the bottle,There ts a book on the desk,There is a hole on the shirt,There is a crack on the jar等等。For example, they often produce sentences like There is some water in the bottle, There is a book on the desk, There is a hole on the shirt, There is a crack on the jar, etc.