- cause指事物发生的原因A cause is what makes something happen
- [+situation,cause] 把某事归因于某事to attribute sth to sth
- cause 和make可与(to +)不定式连用,但不可用于被动语态Cause and make can be used with( to +)an infinitive,but not in the passive
- 结合律associative law
- cause、bring about、make均表示某结果、某情况或某事情是怎样造成或发生的.The verbs cause,bring about and make indicate how a certain result, situation or event happens
- Good血型抗体Blood group antibody Good
- 平均律law of averages
- Good血型抗原Blood group antigen Good
- “Good”测试套件"Good"test suite
- 交换律commutative law
- better是good比较级'Better' is the comparative of 'good'.
- 4n律4n law
- 'better'是'good'的比较级。'Better' is the comparative of 'good'.
- A-律A-law
- 汽车行驶正常(不是good)。The car runs well (not good ).
- 律学study of law
- De Bruijn-Good图的范畴The Category of the de Bruijn-Good Graphs
- 艾伦律Allen's rule
- Good-Thomas快速傅里叶变换Good - Thomas FFT
- 二律背反antinomy