- 微软雅黑Microsoft Accor black, one of the microsoft fonts.
- 微软公司Microsoft corporation
- α-radiationα-[射线]辐射
- 微克gamma
- β-radiationβ-[射线]辐射
- 微晶microlite
- γ-radiationγ辐射
- 微星pint-size star
- β-radiation injury skin皮肤β-辐射损伤
- 微动jiggle
- β-radiation damage of skin皮肤β-辐射损伤
- 微孔millipore
- radiation method (平板测量用的)放射测量法
- 微球microballoon sphere
- cn/radiation/和http://cancernet.cn/radiation; Core metadata of China Cancer Database can be queried and managed in core metadata database of Cancer Data-sharing System, and the database URL is http://canceretn.
- 微距microspur
- occipitothalamic radiation (视辐射线)韦尼克氏放射
- 微动开关MSW
- α放射β-radiationβ放射锚adiationγ放射α-radiation
- 微管canaliculus