- 心理mental
- 心理医生shrink
- 心理的mental
- 为了获得最佳性能,avg_fragmentation_in_percent的值应尽可能接近零。The value for avg_fragmentation_in_percent should be as close to zero as possible for maximum performance.
- 心理健康mental health
- 您可以使用sa_table_fragmentation存储过程来获取有关数据库表的碎片程度的信息。You can use the sa_table_fragmentation stored procedure to obtain information about the degree of fragmentation of your database tables.
- 心理素质psychological quality
- 心理咨询psychological consultation
- 心理上mentally
- 心理状态mentation
- 心理准备mental preparation
- 心理活动psychological activity
- 心理分析psychoanalysis
- 心理疾病mental disease
- 心理测试psychological test
- 心理障碍mental block
- 侥幸心理fluke mind
- 犯罪心理criminal mentality
- 心理上的psychologic
- 心理治疗psychotherapy