- 房house
- 租房tenement
- 管道在ipc/pipe.c中实现。Pipes are implemented in ipc/pipe.c.
- 双人房double room
- 在软件工程中,单个程序模块所执行的诸任务在功能上的互相关联的程度。对照coupling。In software engineering, the degree to which the tasks performed by a single program module are functionally related.
- 退房check out
- 包房passenger compartment
- 房贷housing loan
- 本文讨论了三种 DDBMS 组成方式:松散结合型(loose cou-pling)、紧密结合型(tight coupling)和集成型(integrat),并对它们的优缺点进行了分析。There are three DDBMS architectures-loose coupling,tight coupling and integrat,which will be dis- cussed in the section 2.
- 房车car as a house
- 在美国好施集团收购Mission Pipe & supply公司后,Felipe成为美国好施集团团队中的一员。在美国好施集团工作的八年来,Felipe从事过司机、仓库管理员和销售人员等工作。"Felipe became part of the Hirsch team during the Mission Pipe & Supply acquisition. During his eight years of service, Felipe has worked in driver, warehouse and sales positions."
- 同房of the same branch of a family
- 房型house type
- 二手房second-hand house
- 经济适用房economically affordable housing
- 订房book rooms
- 板房board house
- 暗房darkroom
- 房奴home mortgage slave
- 裙房annex