- e-PrintE-print
- Print数字图书馆Digital library
- 图象增强光电摄象管image amplifier iconoscope
- 调养摄生To nurse and recuperate oneself
- print pad (花筒)印轧
- 推摄特写镜头to dolly in for a close-up
- 放进去的print语句是粗体。The placed print statement is in bold font.
- 荷兰跳摄角度Dutch tilt angle
- print drum (行式打印机的)字鼓
- 拉摄Backward take
- PRINT不会将控制传输到CATCH块。PRINT does not transfer control to a CATCH block.
- 航天器轨道摄动orbit perturbation of spacecraft
- 可以在循环中放一个print语句,检验在You can place a print statement within the loop to verify that data indeed exists at each element in the
- 补肾摄精invigorating kidney for protecting semen
- 显示信息的最常用方式是使用print语句。The most common way to display information is the print statement.
- 摄磷Uptake of phosphours forms
- 试析Google Print对图书馆工作的影响On Influences of Google Print to Library
- 蟹摄Xie
- 返回保存在UCD库中quick_print的当前值。Returns the current value stored in the UCD Library for quick_print.
- 航摄aerophotogrammetry