- 电工electrician
- 1-Wire总线1-Wire bus
- 开环(Open-Loop)open loop architecture
- 1-Wire网络1-Wire net
- 电工技术electroengineering
- Wire-on-BoltWire-on-Bolt
- 电工钢electric steel
- 我不会念“zip wire”。I cannot say "zip wire".
- 他的职业是电工技师。He is an electrical technician by profession.
- D-loopD-loop
- UG/OpenUG/Open
- 1-Wire总线的USB接口转换器设计Design of Adaptor for USB Interface of the 1-Wire Bus
- 国际电工委员会IEC
- γ-loopγ-环[路]
- Wire Protocol数据源配置的字符串。Protocol data source configuration in the system information.
- 电工刀electrician's knife
- Loop代数(A2)的一个新子代数及其有关的一族新的可积系A new subalgebra of Loop algebra (A2) and its relevant new integrable system
- 1-Wire器件通信机制和CRC校验的实现The Implement of I -Wire Communication and CRC Verify
- D-loop区D-loop region
- DS18B20是达拉斯半导体公司的1-wire器件。DS18B20 is a 1-wire device of DALLAS SEMICONDUCTOR.