- transformation principleT.P.
- 升级或迁移Data Transformation Services帮助主题Upgrading or Migrating Data Transformation Services How-to Topics
- 更改订阅的Data Transformation Services(DTS)包属性。Changes the Data Transformation Services (DTS) package properties of a subscription.
- 他写有关电磁的博士论文。He wrote his doctoral thesis on electromagnetism.
- 如何将Data Transformation Services包迁移到Integration ServicesHow to: Migrate Data Transformation Services Packages to Integration Services
- 麦克斯韦(电磁)场方程(式)Maxwell field equations
- 可转换订阅利用Data Transformation Services(DTS)的数据移动、转换映射和筛选功能。Transformable subscriptions leverage the data movement, transformation mapping, and filtering capabilities of Data Transformation Services (DTS).
- 电磁阀, 电磁活门solenoid value
- 为了做成电磁体你需要对金属线送电。To make an electromagnet you need to send a current through the wire.
- 核电磁脉冲模拟nuclear electromagnetic pulse simulation
- 使用DTS(data transformation services)进行数据的输入/输出和自动调度,并在数据传输中完成对数据的验证、清洗和转换等工作;Using the data transformation services (DTS), we can input and output data and schedules automatically. At the process of data transfer we can identify, wash, and transform the data. Based on analysis and discussion of the MDX (Multidimensional Expressions) query technology and OLAP dimensional analysis approach, we can make decisions and analysis to the data in the data warehouse.
- 电磁异常electromagnetic anomaly
- 电磁测深方法研究A study of the EM method to explore strata
- 电磁开关.a solenoid switch
- 电磁浓缩electromagnetic enrichment
- 电磁夹片electromagnetic shim
- 电磁四通阀solenoid operated 4-way valve
- 煤气电磁阀solenoid valve for gas
- 蒸气电磁阀solenoid valve for steam
- 水用电磁阀solenoid valve for water