- 航海sailing
- 航海日志logbook
- Update-Factor模型Update-Factor model
- 航海的marine
- 今天他突然想要去航海。He had a sudden whim to go sailing today.
- 罗盘首先用在航海上。The compass was first used in sailing.
- 航海技术seamanship
- 台风来了,无法航海。The typhoon forbade sea voyages.
- 航海学general navigation
- 航海业seafaring
- 航海日志草稿a rough log
- 英国一直是一个航海的民族。Britain has always been a seafaring nation.
- 适于航海的船只seafaring vessels.
- 哥伦布,麦哲伦等伟大的航海探险家Columbus, Magellan, and other great navigators
- 那水手已航海去了。The sailor has gone to sea.
- 航海者navigator
- 航海指南sailing instruction
- 航海仪器navigating instrument
- 地文航海geo-navigation
- 航海医学nautical medicine