- proof-number搜索proof-number search
- 以下语句将LOAD权限授予组The following statement grants the LOAD authority to the group
- fireproof=fire-proof防火耐火
- Load方法的基本用法非常简单The basic use of the Load method is quite straightforward
- root-proof (地下管道的)防树根破坏
- 请即办理并航空函复。Please act promptly and let us have your reply by return airmail.
- 双击要创建的事件,例如Load事件。Double-click the event that you want to create, for example the Load event.
- proof strength(保证强度)允许强度
- 舰队正在和航空进行部队联合演习。The fleet is manoeuvring in combination with the air unit.
- 您可以下载Load程序及其所有的源代码。You download the Load program and all its source code.
- 请给我买几张航空邮票。Please buy some air mail stamps for me.
- die proof (检查模腔精度用)模具灌铅检验法
- 由Application类用于保存load事件的事件参数。Used by the Application class to hold event arguments for the load event.
- [英](=proof-reader)校对员a corrector of the press
- 用航空寄还是海运寄呢?Airmail or sea mail?
- Exchange Load Generator模拟MAPI客户端的性能负载。Exchange Load Generator simulates the performance load of MAPI clients.
- fire-proof cable=fireproof cable防火电缆
- 我要一封普通邮票和两封航空邮票。I need a book of regular stamp and two of airmail.
- proof of Skewes中用到的上界的数量级。, Order of magnitude of an upper bound that occurred in a proof of Skewes.
- 我想往法国寄一封航空挂号信。I want t send a registered airmail letter to France.