- automatic termination cover (当战争爆发时)自动销保
- a-balanceda-balanced
- 视讯video
- a balanced package (关贸总协定术语)一揽子均衡守则
- 讯号signal
- 当您想让调试器确定Terminate命令在远程会话中是否可用,可以选择Allow termination of remote VM选项。Select the Allow termination of remote VM option when you want the debugger to determine whether the Terminate command is available in a remote session.
- Balanced Big Filter-模与Cousin复形Balanced Big Filter-Modules and Cousin Complex
- 问讯ask
- 影讯movie news
- 本报讯it is reported
- 经济增加值EVA是英文Economic Value Added的缩写,平衡记分卡BSC是英文Balanced Score Card的缩写。EVA is the abbreviation for Economic Value Added in English. BSC is the abbreviation for Balanced Score Card in English. Economic value added (EVA) systems and the balanced score card (BSC) have generated a tremendous interest in corporate recently as approaches to performance management, Implementation of these methodologies has not proven to be easy.
- 在第(1)款中,“该转管租约终止的确实日期”(the actual date of termination of the demisecharter)指转管租约承租人根据该转管租约将该船舶交回船东的日期,"In subsection (1) ""the actual date of termination of the demise charter"" means the date on which the ship is redelivered by the demise charter to the owner under the demise charter, or such other date as may be agreed by the demise charter and owner,"
- 咨讯information
- 报讯alarm
- 和讯网Homeway.com
- 聆讯interrogation
- 恶讯使他焦急不安。The bad news disquieted him.
- 新浪体育讯Sina.com sports news
- 在警察侦讯时,他一直面无表情。He wore a poker face during police questioning.
- 芳讯已渺Her whereabouts is a mystery