- 视讯video
- SPARK项目SPARK program
- 讯号signal
- 问讯ask
- spark test (检查瓷釉的针眼)电火试验
- 影讯movie news
- 很多Python程序员都向我推荐Spark。Quite a number of Python programmers have recommended Spark to me.
- 本报讯it is reported
- 比起它的所有优点来说,我发现Spark真正的缺点是它的速度。For all its strengths, the real drawback I found with Spark is its speed.
- 咨讯information
- 我们已经提到过,Spark语法中显然缺少一样东西:没有计量符。We have already mentioned one thing notably absent in the Spark grammar: no quantifiers.
- 在Spark主页上,您要看的最重要的文档是Spark框架最初的介绍辞On the Spark homepage, the most important document to read is the original presentation of the Spark framework
- 报讯alarm
- 和讯网Homeway.com
- Spark是我使用过的第一个Python程序,而我在使用中发现,解释语言的速度损失是其主要问题。Spark is the first Python program I ve used where I really found the speed penalty of an interpreted language to be an major issue.
- 聆讯interrogation
- 恶讯使他焦急不安。The bad news disquieted him.
- 新浪体育讯Sina.com sports news
- 在警察侦讯时,他一直面无表情。He wore a poker face during police questioning.
- 芳讯已渺Her whereabouts is a mystery