- 设计design
- 程序设计programmer
- 建筑设计architectural design
- 用来完成卡拉赞key的物品只能被第一个到达它们的队伍拾取。The items required to complete the Karazhan key quest can now only be looted by the first group in the instance to reach them.
- 毕业设计diploma project
- 若要使用相同的key参数覆盖现有的Cache项,请使用Insert方法。To overwrite an existing Cache item using the same key parameter, use the Insert method.
- 平面设计planar design
- 然后单击Create External Key Table按钮,会显示对话框来确认选择并创建表。Next click the Create External Key Table button to display a dialog box that confirms your choices and creates the table.
- 当然!您可以从我们的网站直接下载PDF Driver7.50,并用您的key file来激活它。Of course - you can download PDF Driver 7.50 directly from our web site and use your key file to activate it.
- 设计方案design proposal
- 如果所引用的表不是发布的一部分,则不会复制已发布表的任何FOREIGN KEY约束。If the referenced table is not part of a publication, all FOREIGN KEY constraints on a published table are not replicated.
- 室内设计interior design
- 机械设计mechanical layout
- Lookup Currency Key转换的错误输出将无法执行查找操作的所有数据行重定向到脚本转换。The error output of the Lookup Currency Key transformation redirects to the Script transformation any data rows that failed the lookup operation.
- 课程设计curriculum project
- 可以对FOREIGN KEY约束所强制执行的DRI操作补充表的触发器中定义的其他引用完整性逻辑。The DRI actions enforced by FOREIGN KEY constraints can be supplemented with additional referential integrity logic defined in triggers on a table.
- Key值Key value
- 服装设计costume designing
- Key帧Key frame
- 工业设计industrial design