- 语language
- 双语diglossia
- 意大利语Italian (language)
- 韩语Korean
- abbr. 体育(=Physical Education)P.E.
- 爱沙尼亚语Estonian
- physical foam= mechanical foam机械泡沫
- 希伯来语Hebrew
- 罗马尼亚语Romanian
- 芬兰语Finnish (language)
- 如前所述,您可以打开Physical Resource视图,来查看包含在SCA模块中的物理资源。You can open the Physical Resource view to see the physical resources contained in the SCA module, as previously discussed.
- 波兰语Polish (language)
- [59]物理(physical)接口就是我们所说的“接口”,是由内核命名为eth0、eth1、ppp0或其他。[58] A physical interface is what we have been calling "the interface", the thing that the kernel names eth0, eth1, ppp0, or what have you.
- 希腊语Greek
- 朝鲜语Korean (language)
- 匈牙利语Hungarian
- 拉脱维亚语Latvian
- 丹麦语Denish
- 越南语Vietnamese (language)
- 捷克语Czech (language)