- 逻logic
- Best-First算法Best-First algorithm
- First移动到第一页。First To move to the first page.
- 阳逻长江公路大桥南锚碇基础深基坑开挖模拟与实测分析Analysis of Excavation Simulation and Field Measurements of South Anchorage Foundation Deep Pit of Yangluo Changjiang River Highway Bridge
- FIRST ABSOLUTE 1的缩写形式。FIRST A short form for ABSOLUTE 1.
- 武汉阳逻长江大桥南锚碇工程外围挡水帷幕自凝灰浆防渗墙施工Construction of Cutoff Wall with Self-Setting Mortar of the Outside Curtain in Southern Anchorage Foundation of the Yangluo Bridge
- 你怎么能写“march twenty-first”?How can you write March twenty-first?
- 我有三只幼小可爱的暹逻种小白猫。I have three small pretty white young Siamese cats .
- [英]底层, 一楼(相当于美国的the first floor)the ground floor
- 逻卒soldiers on patrol; patrolmen
- 我们将这个变体称为Depth-First Visitor模式。We call this variant the Depth-First Visitor pattern.
- 逻骑mounted patrol
- 故以Best-First算法为基础,提出了BS-BS算法。So based on Best-First algorithms it raises BS-BS algorithms.
- 暹逻猫Siamese cat
- 先进先出法(简写为fifo),亦见 last in, first out"first in, first out - FIFO"
- 逻各斯Logos
- first_page每个数据库都分为若干个大小固定的页。First_page Each database is divided into a number of fixed-size pages.
- 逻格斯Logos
- first, second etc lumbar vertebra 第一,第二,... 腰椎Ll, L2 ...
- 武汉阳逻Yang'luo region of Wuhan