- (=cochleare medium) 中匙cochl.med.
- (=cochleare medium) (拉)一中匙coch. med.
- Communication Medium -- 该字段指定通信介质类型。Communication Medium-this field specifies the communication medium type.
- 初始边框的Size。The Size of the initial bounding rectangle.
- 采矿是一种对身体有害的工作。Mining is an unhealthy job.
- 将Point平移给定Size。Translates a Point by a given Size.
- 当请求UPDATE STATISTICS语句中带有MEDIUM或HIGH关键字时,列值的分布情况。The distribution of column values, when requested with the MEDIUM or HIGH keyword in the UPDATE STATISTICS statement.
- 钻井机一种在采矿中用来挖掘矿井时在石头上打孔的工具A rock-boring tool used in mining for sinking shafts.
- 将Point平移给定Size的负数。Translates a Point by the negative of a given Size.
- 一爿采矿公司a mining company
- Size,它指定新Point的坐标。A Size that specifies the coordinates for the new Point.
- 表层采矿surface mining
- 返回此Size结构的哈希代码。Returns a hash code for this Size structure.
- 霸占土地(或采矿权)to jump a claim
- 减法运算符左侧的Size结构。The Size structure on the left side of the subtraction operator.
- (采矿)钻头超速bit overfeed
- 相等运算符右侧的Size结构。The Size structure on the right of the equality operator.
- 海底采矿技术undersea mining technology
- 减法运算符右侧的Size结构。The Size structure on the right side of the subtraction operator.
- 薄矿脉采矿法narrow vein mining method