- 点钟o'clock
- 一刻钟quarter-hour
- 秒钟second clock
- 疯狂滑水FULL版小游戏FULL version of Crazy Water Skiing Games
- 6点钟准时举行鸡尾酒会,随之在8点钟举行正式的晚宴。Cocktails will be served promptly at six to be followed by dinner at eight.
- 将使用FULL(完全)安全级别。The FULL safety level will be used.
- 比较 full 中的短元音和 fool 中的长元音。Compare the short vowel in 'full' and the long vowel in 'fool'.
- 6点钟到这儿报到上班。Report for duty here at six o'clock.
- 初始化INIT:AP A,full|APPLA = AP 的逻辑号。INITINIT:AP A,FULL|APPLA = the AP's logical number.
- 大本钟big ben
- 例如,要在字段full_name中查询值"John Smith",可以指定For example, to query the field full_name for the value "John Smith", specify the following
- 敲钟toll
- 下面显示了最全面的列集,当mode为FULL时,就会返回该集。The most comprehensive set of columns is shown below and is returned when mode is FULL.
- 两点钟two
- 这些样式表包括Rswebparts.css、Sp_full.css和Sp_small.css。These style sheets include Rswebparts. Css, Sp_full. Css, and Sp_small. Css.
- 钟面dial
- 当指定为FULL时,将使用事务日志备份在发生媒体故障后进行完全恢复。RECOVERY When FULL is specified, full recovery after media failure is provided by using transaction log backups.
- 十点钟ten
- 本文介绍了应用CR Full Leg/Spine软件进行全腿全脊柱X线摄影方法。This text introduced the applied CR Full Leg/Spine software procceeds the whole leg whoie spinal columa X line photographs the method.
- 每秒钟per sec.