- 祝贺你们3比1 赢了。Congratulations. The score was 3 to 1. You won the game.
- 3/13/1
- 外部1/3为软骨性骨骼。The outer one third has a cartilaginous skeleton.
- 这说明杆1和杆3受拉。We see that this implies tension in bars 1 and 3.
- 3-氯-12-diol
- 3-1煤层3 - 1 seam
- 1年3茬three batch
- 3-硝基-13-nitro-1
- 1/3焦煤1/3 coking coal
- 3线1炮制3 lines 1 shooting system
- 3-芳基-1,3-aryl-1
- 3-硝基-1,3-nitlo-1
- 1/3倍频程滤波器third octave filter
- 以及1 2 2联防和1 3 1联防。And one two two defence or one three one defence.
- 1,3-丙二醇1
- 3-二氰基-13-dithiolate-1
- QA110-3-1.5QA110-3-1.5
- 1-乙酰氧基-31 -acetoxy-3
- 3-烷基硫代-13-alkyhhio-1
- 3.1.5 关系运算符3.1.5 Relational operators