- “我能见你一下吗?”“有急事吗?”'Can I see you for a moment?' 'Is it urgent?'
- 我能见你一下吗?Could I see you for a minute?
- “我能推你一下吗,黛比?”布赖恩问。Can I give you a push, Debbie?@ asks Brian.
- 我能见你一会吗?May I see you for a moment?
- 我能帮你一下吗?Can I be of help to you?
- 什么时候我能见你?At what time can I see you?
- 吴女士,我可以拜托你一下吗?I have a favor to ask of you, Ms. Wu.
- 星期一我不能见你, 因为我有约在先。I can't see you on Monday because I have a previous engagement.
- 如果你听见我告诉史密斯我明天不能见他,就别再去对他说我能见他了。If you hear me telling Smith that I can't see him tomorrow, don't go and say anything to the contrary.
- 谈判进展到什么阶段,我并不完全了解。你能把基本情况给我谈一下吗?I don't know precisely what stage negotiations have reached. Could you put me in the picture?
- 很抱歉,有些急事;今晚不能见你了。I'm afraid something urgent has come up; I won't be able to see you tonight.
- 今天下午我能来见你吗?Could I come to see you this afternoon?
- 我能移动一下吗?Can I have a transfer, please?
- 什么时候我能见你?At what time can I see you?
- 这会儿她很忙,不能见你;电话被占用了差不多一个小时了she's tied up at the moment and can't see you; the phone was tied up for almost an hour
- 我能在穿一下吗?May I put it on again?
- 你可以提醒我一下吗?我们在哪里见过?Can you refresh my memory? Where did we meet?
- 我能见格林先生吗?Can I see Mr. Green?
- 我能看一下吗?May I have a look?
- 尼尔,你好!对不起,我今晚不能见你。我点半有一个约会。Sorry I can't meet you this evening. I've got an appointment at seven-thirty.