- Tmote-SkyTmote-Sky
- 溅镀铭板表面耐刮伤,强度够,金属质感佳的特性,广泛用于手机,数位相机的LENS面板上,最佳的选择。Sputtering name plate can stand the character of scratch and strength, fine metallic sense, so it is widely used in the LENS panel of cell phones and digital cameras.
- SKy骨扩张器spinal kyphoplasty bone expander system
- 目的探讨直角边缘人工晶状体(intraocular lens,IOL)预防后囊膜混浊(posteri-or capsule opacification,PCO)的作用。Objective To evaluate the effect of sharp-edged intraocular lens (IOL) on posterior capsule opacification(PCO).
- SKy再凸成形术SKyphoplasty
- SKy后凸成形术SKyphoplasty
- blue-sky law (美国证券)蓝天法
- SKY数控系统的发展战略研究The Analysis of Developing Strategy in SKY CNC System
- sky sign (位于高楼大厦的顶上)高空广告牌
- dish with sky blue glaze (瓷器名)天蓝釉盘
- 用SKY骨扩张器行经皮椎体后凸成形术的手术配合Operative coordination in patients undergoing vertebral body post-convex plasty per skin with SKY bone dilator
- Vimar Seguros诉M/V.Sky reefer案后撤销外国法院管辖条款的尝试Attempts to Avoid Foreign Forum Selection Clauses Post Vimar Seguros V.m/v Sky Reefer
- 应用Sky骨扩张器系统治疗骨质疏松性椎体压缩骨折的临床初步报告Treatment of osteoporotic compression fractures using the Sky Bone Expander system: A preliminary clinical report
- 在 the blue sky 和 a family business 中,blue 和 family 是定语。In 'the blue sky' and 'a family business', 'blue' and 'family' are attributive.
- 他们也将许多以sk开头的词带到英语中来,如sky(天空)和skirt(裙子)。They also brought to English many words that begin with sk, like sky and skirt.
- 请记得,一直到中午我们的Sky view 观景厅都有供应吃到饱的自助早餐。Remember, there's a free all-you-can-eat breakfast in the Sky View Lounge until noon.
- 研究了广义球对称带电蒸发黑洞周围的时空中Dirac粒子的Hawking辐射以及Starobin-sky-Unruh过程.The Hawking radiation and the Starobinsky - Unruh process of Dirac particles in space-time determined by the generalized spherical symmetric evaporating charged (GSSEC) black hole are studied.
- Blue Sky Research的员工在半导体和激光二极管制造,先进的电子和机械设计以及复杂的光学工程等方面富有经验。The Blue Sky Research staff encompasses an exceptionally wide range of expertise, including semiconductor and laser diode manufacturing, advanced electronic and mechanical design, and sophisticated optical engineering.