- 一个不知疲倦的工人;a tireless worker;
- 一个不知疲倦的研究者An unwearied researcher
- 成功的一个大秘诀是作为一个不知疲倦的人度过人生。A great secret of success is to go through life as a man who never gets used up.
- 不知疲倦的权利平等倡导者;不知疲倦的工人;不懈的追求优秀an indefatigable advocate of equal rights; a tireless worker; unflagging pursuit of excellence
- 查找下一个find next
- 作为一个不知疲倦满场飞奔的斗士,他攻入了30个进球!Maldera was also a tireless worker, covering the entire pitch, enabling him to score some 30 goals.
- 每一个every last
- 军政府镇压了罢工的工人。The military government repressed the striking workers.
- 没有一个neither one
- 不知疲倦的权利平等倡导者;不知疲倦的工人;不懈的追求优秀。an indefatigable advocate of equal rights; a tireless worker; unflagging pursuit of excellence.
- 另外一个other
- 哪一个which
- 但同时,我又觉得我是个圈外人,是一个不知该如何认同“微笑的首领”、But I also felt like an outsider, one who did not know how to relate to the "Smiling Chiefs, "
- 从一个不知其名的敬慕者那儿收到鲜花Received flowers from an unknown admirer.
- 不知疲倦的游泳者an inexhaustible swimmer
- 弃婴,弃儿一个不知父母为谁的弃婴A deserted or abandoned child of unknown parentage.
- 那里唯一的房屋是一个把柴锯成短段便于烧壁炉的工人的小棚屋,此外便只有墙壁。The hovel of a cutter of wood into lengths for burning, was the only house at that end; all else was wall.
- 为了赚足够的钱来维持他的大家庭,他必须不知疲倦地工作。He had to hustle to make enough money to support his large family .
- 玛丽是一个认真的工人。Mary is an earnest worker.
- 为了赚足够的钱来维持他的大家庭,他必须不知疲倦地工作。He had to hustle to make enough money to support his large family.