- 一个回合打多长时间?How long does each round last?
- 打多长时间?And how long?
- 要打多长时间石膏?How long will the cast be on?
- 一局打多长时间?How long does a game last?
- 现在唯有希望,该国内战的这一回合打得短暂猛烈。The only hope is that this bout of the country's civil war is short, sharp.
- 在最后一个回合,史密斯把他的对手狠揍了一顿。In the last round,Smith fairly lammed into his opponent.
- 一场曲棍球赛打多长时间?How long does a hockey match last?
- 尼罗河有多长?How long is the River Nile?
- 一个人能用电话与某人聊天的最长时间。The total amount of time one can manage being on the phone with someone.
- 你自己一个人在屋里呆了多长时间?How long were you by yourself in the house?
- 但如果它是一个一百年或是更长时间的计划,whereas if it is a project for a hundred years or more
- 到那儿要多长时间?How long will it take me to get there?
- 发生车祸以后他常常独自一个人呆呆地坐在那里很长时间一动也不动。After the accident he often sat by himself still without moving for a long time.
- 他们打牌打了好长时间才得分。It took them a long time to get out of the hole in the card game.
- 去公共汽车站要多长时间?How long will it take to go to the bus stop?
- 我从不清楚一个煤气罐可以用这么长时间,我开始认为我得到一个聚宝盆了。I've never known a gas cylinda last so long. I was beginning to think I'd got hold of some kind of widow's cruse.
- 你花多长时间从冰湖的这一边滑到对面去?Hew long does it take you to skate over the frozen lake to the other side?
- 一个没有组织性的集体是不可能存在很长时间的。A community with no organization will not exist for long.
- 他开车去上班要用多长时间?How long does it take him to drive to work?
- 一个可能导致日志填满的原因是长时间运行的事务。One likely cause of the log filling up is a long-running transaction.