- 三K党公然肆虐,名副其实地控制了州长。The Ku Klux Klan openly flourished and laid legitimate claims to controlling the governor.
- 三年three years
- 三角(n) a triangle
- 北方佬将追捕到的每一个三K党徒都处以绞刑,因为他们居然胆敢将惩罚罪犯的权利拿到了手里,而事实上此时一般的法律程序早已被入侵者废除了。The North wanted every member of the Ku Klux hunted down and hanged, because they had dared take the punishment of crime into their own hands at a time when the ordinary processes of law and order had been overthrown by the invaders.
- 三级third class
- 三国Three Kingdoms
- 三个月trimester
- 周三Wednesday
- 三次third
- 三个three
- 三号thirds
- 三部曲trilogy
- 三聚氰胺melamine
- 三倍triple
- 三楼second floor
- 三的trinal
- 三等third class
- 高三Senior Three
- 三文鱼Salmon
- 三通"three direct links of trade, mail, and air and shipping services across the Taiwan Straits"