- 深造advanced (studies)
- 我计划继续深造。I plan to further my study.
- 这种肉人不宜食用。This meat is unfit for human consumption.
- 她决定在获得学士学位之后继续深造。She decide to pursue her study after obtain her first degree.
- 那屋子被宣布为不宜居住的危房。The house was declared unsafe for habitation.
- 她在大学继续深造。She is pursuing her studies at the university.
- 委员会裁定这部影片为儿童不宜片。The committee decreed the movie unsuitable for children.
- 出国深造go abroad for further study
- 小牛肉清淡可口不宜多加调料。Veal is too delicate for a spicy sauce.
- 它不宜复述。It doesn't bear repeating.
- 你出国深造花了多少钱?How much did it cost you to study abroad?
- 他们潮湿透风的屋子不宜住人。Their damp drafty house was scarcely habitable.
- 他一心想出国深造。He was intent on going abroad for advanced studies.
- 不宜强加于人。You should not force your view on others.
- 她因缺钱而无法深造。Her education was cramped by her lack of money.
- "她不宜做母亲,她不该生孩子。"Motherhood doesn't suit her; she shouldn't have had children.
- 现我准备继续深造。敬请寄一份我在校时学习成绩单为感。I want to continue my studies. I would appreciate it if you could send me a transcript.
- 这些颜色不宜混合。The colours don't mingle well.
- 三年后他入大学深造。Three years later he matriculated for advance study.
- 这种植物不宜移植。The plant doesn't transplant well.