- 且moreover
- 正则holomorphy
- 当且仅当iff
- 导则guide rule
- 无欲则刚One can be austere if he has no selfish desires
- 苟且drift along
- 苟且偷生drag out an ignoble existence
- 随着语言的发展,新词不断被采用,而有许多词则停止使用了。As the language grows, new words are introduced and many words fall out of use.
- 既来之,则安之。Take things as they come.
- 思维敏捷的思维反应迅速且感觉灵敏的;快速敏捷的Mentally responsive and perceptive; quick.
- 我对这个问题的理解则完全不同。My perception of the problem is quite different.
- 他花钱大手大脚且喜欢摆阔。He is lavish and ostentatious.
- 四则four species
- 这是艰难且费力的活。This is hard, uphill work.
- 实则actually; really
- 病人突然且无法解释地愤怒发作起来。The patient is given to sudden and inexplicable paroxysms of anger.
- 一则非常滑稽的笑话可以使你消除一天的疲劳。A very funny joke may relieve you of a whole day's fatigue.
- 他的弟兄们贪婪且喜欢争吵。His brothers were greedy and quarrelsome.
- 他说了一则轶闻作为讲话的引子。He introduced his speech with an anecdote.
- 济南与青岛的建筑商,大多认为我公司产品易于安装,且外观颇具吸引力。Building constructors in Ji Nan and Qingdao have found our product easy to install and very attractive in appearance.