- 中东问题国际和平会议;International Peace Conference on the Middle East;
- 布希正试图最终敲定其政府的中东政策,并为今后几个月内召开国际和平会议奠定基Bush is trying to finalize the US government's Mideast policy and to lay the foundation for an international peace conference in the coming few months.
- 索马里民族和解国际和平会议;PIDIC; International Peace Conference for National Reconciliation in Somalia;
- 另据报道,土耳其已就召开中东问题国际会议探询了巴以双方和中东地区国家埃及、沙特阿拉伯和约旦的意见,并同美国、俄罗斯和欧盟进行了磋商。According to another report, Turkey has already consulted Palestine, Israel and other Middle East courtiers including Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Jordan on the convention of an international meeting on Middle East problems.
- 有问题something the matter
- 中东Middle East
- 1990年在西班牙首都马德里召开的中东国际和平会议,确定了“以土地换和平”的原则。The Middle East peace meeting convened in Madrid, Spain in 1990 has already established a principle of "land for peace".
- 人们知道,总统不打算在中东问题上断然否决他的国务卿。It was known that the President was not prepared flatly to overrule this Secretary of state on the Middle East.
- 儿童生存问题国际工作队(即贝拉基奥小组);即贝拉基奥小组International Task Force on Child Survival (or Bellagio Group)
- 破坏和平会议to torpedo a peace conference
- 保健问题国际论坛-经济发展的一个条件:打破贫穷和不公平的循环;International Forum on Health - A Conditionality for Economic Development: Breaking the Cycle of Poverty and Inequity;
- 海牙和平会议公约Convention of the Hague Peace Conference
- 1985年成立的华盛顿近东政策研究所是美国国内从事中东问题研究的专门机构。The Washington Institute for Near East Policy was founded in 1985. It is the specialized agency that engaged in studying U.S. Middle East policy.
- 新闻检查问题国际中心International Centre on Censorship, the
- 欧安会明斯克和平会议CSCE Peace Conference in Minsk
- 中东问题the Middle East problem
- 世界法治促进和平会议;World Conference on World Peace through Law;
- 老龄问题国际行动计划;International Plan of Action on Ageing;
- 国际和平协定an international peace agreement
- 总统就中东问题作了一个简短的发言,当时大家都感到惊奇。The president surprised everyone with a short speech on the Middle East.