- 下lower
- 下一next
- 正义的事业是任何敌人也攻不破的。A just cause is invincible before any enemy.
- 一下(adj) one time; once
- 久(long) time
- 查找下一个find next
- 我们相信,只要依靠人民,世界上就没有攻不破的“法宝”。We believe that so long as we rely on the people there is no invincible "magic weapon" in this world.
- 攻to attack
- 下的subaltern
- 很久a month of Sundays
- 攻不破的防御工事impregnable defenses
- 不下not less than
- 下一个next
- 攻略attack strategy
- 下页overleaf
- 攻不破impregnability
- 下周next week
- 无攻不克all-conquering; invincible; take strongholds by storm
- 上下up and down
- 吃不下not feel like eating