- 人都来全了吗?Is everybody here?
- 这次办公人员外出野餐的活动非常成功,今天几乎所有的人都来了。The turnout for the office picnic was great; almost everyone came today.
- 你为什么没来呢?其他所有的人都来了。Why didn't you come? Everybody else was there.
- “现在,”伯爵问道,“手续都全了吗?”"And now," demanded the count, "are all the forms complied with?"
- 你们都来了吗?Are you all here/ present?
- 几个月来,我家里一个访客也没有,上周末突然间我的亲戚全来了,真是不来则已,一来全都来了。I hadn't had any visitors at my house for months and suddenly last weekend all my relatives came by. It never rains but it pours.
- 赫特先生,人都到齐了吗?Is everybody here, Mr. Hurt?
- 他两者都全了,而且每一方面都超过了他所有的前任。He acquired both,and more of either than any of his predecessors.
- 聚会上好像每个人都来了。The whole world seemed to be at the party.
- 全食堂的人都突然笑了起来。The whole mess burst out laughing.
- 在近处听得到的人都知道了她对约翰的看法。Everyone within earshot soon knew her opinion of John.
- 你邀请的人都来了吗?Did everyone you invited show up?
- 全街区的人都抗议警方这种野蛮行为。The whole street protested such police brutality.
- 并非每个人都来了。Everyone is not present.
- 人都齐了吗?Is everybody here?
- 全社会都来关心再就业。Our entire society should be involved in the effort to find new jobs for laid-off workers.
- 那些曾反对过我们的人都已受到了惩罚。All those who opposed up have now been reckoned with.
- 地震能把所有的人都从酣睡中惊醒了吗?Can the earthquake start all the people out of their sound sleep?
- 我邀请的人多半都来了。Most of the people I had invited turned up.
- 海面上波涛汹涌,差不多每个人都呕吐了。There was a heavy sea and almost everyone spat up.