- 我什么时候可以来取?When can I come to pick it up?
- 我什么时候可以来上班?When can I come to work?
- 什么what
- 什么时候可以来?When would it be convenient for you to come?
- "护士,我什么时候可以回家?" "我想,可能下周末吧,不过,那该由医生决定。""When will I be allowed to go home, nurse?" "Towards the end of the week, I should think, but it's for the doctor to decide."
- 什么时候when
- 如果我们给你这个工作,你什么时候可以到我们这儿来。If we offer you the job, when will you be free to join us?
- 我什么时候可以来拿?When can I have it done?
- 我们什么时候可以抵达伦敦?At what time shall we get to London?
- 我什么时候可以登机呢?When can I board?
- 你什么时候可以还清钱?When will you come across with the money?
- 什么时候我可以来见你?When may I come to see you?
- 您什么时候可以见我?What time will you be able to see me?
- 随便什么时候都可以来我这儿。Drop in on me at any time.
- 飞机什么时候可以到达纽约?When will the flight arrive at New York?
- 你认为这个病人什么时候可以做肿瘤手术?When do you think the patient can be operated on for the tumor?
- 照片什么时候可以洗好?When will the prints be ready?
- 什么时候来都可以.Come round any time
- 他们什么时候可以完成他们的工作?When will they be through with their work?
- 随便什么时候,只要你愿意,你都可以来当我的公众关系部部长。Any time you like, you can handle my public relations.