- 他们周末干什么?What do they do on weekends?
- 在星期一的早晨,Matt和他的朋友们聊起他们周末都干什么了。On Monday morning, Matt and his friends talk about what they did over the weekend.
- 他周末干什么呢?What does he do with himself at the weekend?
- 你打算周末干什么?What are you doing at the weekend?
- 他们周末喜欢乘气球玩.They like to go ballooning at weekends.
- 琳达上周末干什么了?What did Linda do last weekend?
- 他们周末到巴黎潇洒去了。They've gone swanning off to Paris for the weekend.
- 他们周末将举行一次英语晚会。They are havingan English evening at the weekend.
- 我们本周末干什麽呢?What shall we do this weekend?
- 他们周末还要工作,这有点不公平。It's rather a shame that they have to work on weekends.
- 你究竟在干什么?What ever are you doing?
- 去他妈的!我决不再在每个周末干无报酬的工作。Drop dead! I'm not going to work every weekend for nothing at all.
- 他们周末经常在外面吃饭,他们的邻居也一样。They eat out frequently on weekends, as do their neighbors.
- 你知道他想干什么吗?Have you any idea of what he is up to?
- 如果你想要他们周末也工作的话,那你对他们的指望太高了。You're asking too much of them if you expect them to work at the weekend.
- 明天你打算干什么?What do you plan to do this Friday?
- 你毕业后想干什么?What do you want to do after graduation?
- 菲尔.皮肯在一周内为切斯特菲尔德2次首发,他们周末1-1打平了布伦特福德。赛后他们在甲级联赛排在第7。Phil Picken started his second game in a week for Chesterfield, who drew1-1 at Brentford on Saturday. The Spireites are seventh in League One as a result.
- 一个身兼数职者可能对慢吞吞在周末干不了多少活的丈夫感到绝望,或是对慢条斯里准备上学的孩子感到绝望。A multitasker may despair of a slow?lane husband who doesn't get many chores done on the weekend,or a child who takes her time getting ready for school.
- 没有人管我干什么。Nobody cares what I do.