- 他假期上哪去了?Where did he go on vacation?
- 老鼠上哪去了?你们这些臭老鼠,我非得把你们一个个吃掉不可。The cat Where are the mice? You bad mice! I will eat you.
- 獾先生上哪去了?”鼹鼠问,他正在炉火上温咖啡。Where's Mr. Badger?’ inquired the Mole, as he warmed the coffee-pot before the fire.
- 他给我看他假期里拍下的快照。He showed me his holiday snaps.
- 他享受着他假期的每一分钟。He enjoy every minute of his holiday.
- 剥夺他假期的欢乐to dock him of the pleasures of holiday
- 你到底上哪去了?我叫你去查营房的。Where the devil have you been? I told you to inspect the lines.
- 他假期过得很愉快。He had a good time during the holidays.
- "乔治在哪儿?" "我想他是回家自我安慰去了。你对他太严厉了一点儿。""Where is George?" "Gone off home to lick his wounds, I expect. You were pretty severe with him."
- 整个战争过程中谁也没有看到他,我想他藏到山里去了。Nobody saw him all the war. I think he lay up in the mountains.
- 上哪去买?Where to buy a new lampwick for it?
- 如果把同志当作敌人来对待,就是使自己站在敌人的立场上去了。To treat comrades like enemies is to go over to the stand of the enemy.
- 你上哪去 philip?Where are you going, Philip?
- 他把球衫裤往长凳上一放就到淋浴室去了。He laid off his sweat suit on a bench and went into the shower room.
- 他们还能上哪去?Where can they have got to?
- 这么陡的峭壁, 谁知他竟爬上去了。Who would have expected that he could climb up that steep cliff?
- 这个盒子的盖儿哪去了?Where is the top to this box?
- 假期对汤姆来说真是难熬,因为他的朋友都野营去了。The vacation time bung heavy on Tom's hands because all his friends were away at camp.
- 你上哪去?Where are you steering for?
- 大家知道他到哪去了吗?Is it known where he went?