- 他的第三个son, jason说:The king is very, very ill.
- 梦的第三个功能是弗洛伊德和他的追随者们认为非常重要的愿望达成功能。The third dream function to which Freud and his followers attached greatest importance was that of wish-fulfillment.
- 第三个son's name is jason.One day, the king is ill.
- 他的第三个剧本用《网》作书名出版。His third play appeared under the title "The Web".
- (音乐中)全音阶中的第三个音符;基调和主调中间的音符(music) the third note of a diatonic scale; midway between the tonic and the dominant
- 至于越狱,今夏将被重名,Scheuring说他已规划越狱的第三季了,尽管他的初衷只是持续两年。As for Prison Break, which will be renamed this summer, Scheuring says he's already mapping out the third season even though his initial concept was for two years.
- 父亲骂了我六个星期,说我把他的白发染上了悲哀带进坟墓。The pater blackguarded me for six weeks and said I was bringing his grey hairs with sorrow to the grave.
- 印度教四个主要世袭阶级的第三个等级;商人和自由职业者阶级。The third of the four main Hindu castes: the mercantile and professional caste.
- 从到目前为止的情况看,他的第三次航行前景同样未可乐观。So far, his third voyage promised no better.
- 最后,他的母亲说。 “乖乖地别闹,我给你去买个玩具。In the end his mother said, 'Now be good, and I'Il buy you a toy.
- 美国文化的第三个特点是强调平等。A third aspect of American culture is the emphasis placed on equality.
- “我想我们去不了了,迭克,”他对他的伙伴递了个眼色说。'I don't think we can go, Dick, 'said he, with a wink to his companion.
- 7月25日的第三个名字叫“神龛日”。A third name for the 25th is Grotto Day.
- 那个政治人物被他的政敌攻击,说他与他那个不检点的秘书有婚外情。That politician was attacked by his rivals who accused him of having an affair with his secretary, considered a bimbo by many.
- 市场划分是提高广告收效的第三个因素。Market segmentation brings us to the third factor that boosts advertising effectiveness.
- 他的办公室在走廊左边第三个门。his office is three doors down the hall on the left.
- 如果你说的“甩掉那食人魔”是指“引来他的两个朋友”,那么就没错。If by "lose the ogre" you mean "attacted two of his friends,"then yes.
- 三月是一年的第三个月。March is the third month of the year.
- 她怀孕的第三个月就流产了。She miscarried in the third month of her pregnancy.
- 耶稣说,一个债主,有两个人欠他的债。一个欠五十两银子,一个欠五两银子。Two men owed money to a certain moneylender. One owed him five hundred denarii, and the other fifty.