- 靠你一个人能行吗?Can you manage on your own?
- 你一个人行吗?Can you manage all by yourself?
- 你一个人能行吗?Can you manage on your own?
- 一个人one
- 我欠你一个人情。I owe you one.
- 你一个人在这儿行吗?Are you going to be alright here all on your tod?
- 不光是你一个人Join the club
- 决定一个人行为特征和关系的心智和情感联合体the complex of emotional and intellectual attributes that determine a person's characteristic actions and reactions
- 你一个人能做吗?Can you do it by yourself?
- 在夜总会问你一个英文字就说明我情绪紧张呀?我听不懂问你还不行吗?Uptight, u-p-t-i-g-h-t. You really are uptight! We're at a dance club, and you're still trying to learn English!
- 一生只爱你一个人Happy Hours I Love You
- 我只喜欢你一个人You are the only one I like.
- 就在这时一个人跑到售票处问:“退两张票行吗?”Just then, a man hurried to the ticket-office. 'Can I return these two tickets?' he asked
- 我只关心你一个人。I only have eyes for you.
- 请问是你一个人来我们公司吗?Are you coming with your fellows?
- 我真不敢相信你一个人把这些派都吃了。---我是都吃了。我太饿了。I find it hard to believe that you ate all the pies by yourself. ---I did. I was so hungry.
- 我连独自一人去看电影都感到寂寞难忍,这次一个人去欧洲旅行一个月,能行吗?Was I ready to spend a month in Europe by myself? I had a hard time going to a movie alone!
- 我只眷恋你一个人。I only have eyes for you.
- 我很抱歉把你一个人留下。I appologize for leaving you alone.
- 我管他呢,反正,爱一个人没有错。就是打死我,我也只能说我爱你一个。Now, i am very very need you. I dont kown, i how? I dont kown love you right or wrong. But i am only one love you.