- 你为何这么激动?What are you so excited about?
- 你为何这么迟?Why are you so late?
- 而知己却问你为何这么长时间没给他打电话。A real friend asks you why you took so long to call.
- 你为何这么坚持要去这家餐厅?Why are you so bent on going to this restaurant?
- 这么so (much)
- 你为什么这么激动?Why do you look so excited?
- 我说了什么使你这么激动?What have I said to make you so excited?
- 他为何这么会妒忌?Why is he so jealous?
- 你为何总是对于你的失败念念不忘而自我折磨呢?Why do you agonize yourself with the thought of your failure?
- 什么事让你这么激动?What are you getting so het up about?
- 你为何要问?Why do you ask?
- 什么事使得你这么激动?What are you so worked up about?
- 别为了那件事这么激动。Don' t get so steamed up about it
- 你为何不拦这球呢?Why didn'tyou block it?
- 凯蒂:伊万怎么这么激动?4 Kitty: Why is Ivan so excited?
- 你为何把刀叉放在一起?我是分开放的。Why do you keep the knives with the forks? I separate mine.
- 她不知道自己为何这么生气,但她就是感到怒不可遏。She did not know why she was so angry. But she was incensed.
- 好了, 好了, 同学们, 别这么激动!Now, now, boys and girls, don't get so excited!
- 那你为何租阁楼?So how come you rented the penthouse?
- 她不知道自己为何这么生气,但她就是感到怒不可遏。She did not know why she was so angry. But she was incensed.