- 你买了几幅画?How many pictures did you buy?
- 你买了几本书?How many books have you bought ?
- 昨天你买了几本字典?How many dictionaries did you buy yesterday?
- 客厅里摆设了几幅画。The parlor is set out with pictures.
- 买buy
- 什么支配你买了这间房子;她怒不可遏。What possessed you to buy this house? A terrible rage possessed her.
- 他以为来路正而买了这幅画(他不知道这幅画是偷来的)。He bought the painting in good faith(= he did not know that it had been stolen).
- 墙上有几幅画。靠窗有一本挂历。黑板旁有一部电视机。There are some pictures on the wall. There is a wall calendar near the windows. And there is a TV set near the blackboard.
- 我刚巧路过邮局,就给你买了今天的报纸。I bought today's newspaper for you as I happened past the post office.
- 我做了几幅新的黄色窗帘,看上去美极了至少我自以为如此!I made some new yellow curtains,and they look real pretty-- if I do say so myself!
- 大家都知道你买了投资信托公司的短期股票。Everyone knows that you have bought investment trust for the short haul.
- 他家的房山上挂着几幅画。Several paintings are hanging on the gable walls of his house.
- 你买了辆新车吗?Did you invest in a new car?
- 借助珂啍版印刷术,我们复制出了几幅完美逼真的敦煌壁画。With the help of collotype printing, we copied several Dunhuang frescoes, which are quite similar to the originals.
- 我给你买了些杏脯。I bought some preserved apricots for you.
- 他退后了几步欣赏这幅画。He stepped back to appreciate the painting.
- 你买了新房吗?Have you bought the new house?
- 房屋在抖动,几幅画从墙上掉了下来。The house moved and a few pictures fell off the wall.
- 你买了什么纪念品?What souvenir did you buy?
- 我给孩子买了几根棒棒糖。I bought the child some sticks of candy.