- 你们有几个人,陶先生?How many will be in your party, Mr. Tao.
- 先生,你们有几个人?How many are there in your party, sir?
- 有几个人,从犹太下来,教训弟兄们说,你们若不摩西的规条受割礼,不能得救。And certain men which came down from Judaea taught the brethren, and said, Except ye be circumcised after the manner of Moses, ye cannot be saved.
- 7点钟四个人。我们等候您,陶先生。Four people at 7:00. We'll be looking for you, Mr. Tao.
- 你们有几个人还需要努力.Several of you need to work harder.
- 这么多人想同时挤过这扇门,结果有几个人受了伤。Several persons were injured when so many tried to get through the door at one time.
- 我想你们有几个项目的价格高了一点。I think you were a little too high on some of the items.
- 你有几个人?How many people do you have, please?
- 你们有足够十个人吃喝的食物饮料吗?Do you have sufficient food and drink for ten people?
- 您的团有几个人?How many are in your group?
- 我没有订位,但是你们有五个人的桌位吗?I haven't made reservations,but do you have a table for five?
- 最近我办公室有几个人退休了。There have been several retirements in my office recently.
- 有人发现逃学的男孩中有几个在树从中手淫。A few of the boys who had escaped from the school were found jerking off in the bushes.
- 我想订一桌五个人席位,今晚六点半,请问你们有专用的房间吗?Yes,I'd like to reserve a table for five,for 6:30. do you have a private room?
- 也许有几个人觊觎酋长的高位。There were several who might claim the distinction of being chief men
- 有几个人被落下来的岩石压死了.Several people were crushed to death by the falling rocks.
- 有几个人已经辞职了。Several have quit working.
- 竟有几个经学家心里说,这个人说僭妄的话了。And behold, some of the scribes said within themselves, This man blasphemes.
- 我们中间有几个人讲法语。A few of us speak French.
- 有几个人冻死了。Several of the men frozen to death.