- 你们有含滤嘴的香烟吗?Have you any that are filter-tipped?
- 我只抽有滤嘴的香烟。I only smoke filter tips.
- 你们有含价格表的目录么?Do you have a catalog with the price list?
- 我看看。你们K-2-1型的标价是美金十块钱。你们有提供大量订购的折扣吗?Let me see. I see that your listed price for the K-two-one model is ten U.S. dollars. Do you offer quantity discounts?
- 有滤嘴的香烟a filter-tipped cigarette
- 有含苞待放的作家;也有深夜喝咖啡、抽雪茄,唱放荡歌曲之辈。There were blown authors; but also consumers of latenight coffee, smokers of cigars, singers of ribald songs.
- 单盆水槽含滤水面1 Bowl inset sink with drainer
- 你认为人们会找到一种彻底安全的香烟吗?Do you think a completely safe cigarette will be found?
- 澳大利亚东南和南部的发出麝香的灌木或树,有含乳脂的黄色的花musk-scented shrub or tree of southern and southeastern Australia having creamy-yellow flower heads
- 你们这家商店卖香烟吗?Do you sell cigarettes in this shop?
- 不要吸没有滤嘴的香烟。Smoke cigarettes without filter tips.
- 如果你们有什么问题要问我们的客座讲演者,请现在开始提。If you have any questions for our guest speaker, open fire now.
- 有含苞待放的作家;也有深夜喝咖啡、抽雪茄,唱放荡歌曲之辈。There were blown authors; but also consumers of latenight coffee, smokers of cigars, singers of ribald songs.
- 他召你们为恢复他的荣耀和圣名而战,使你们有天得到平定。His goodness has caused to dawn for you a day of safty by calling on you to avenge. His glory and His name.
- 无滤嘴的香烟nonfilter
- 对,我是一名中学英语教师。我们希望你们有一个愉快的旅途。Yes. I am an English teacher of a middle school. We hope you will have a good trip.
- 根据参数生成数值栅格要素,它具有指定的范围大小和数值,并输入转换流程。NumericRasterCreator Creates a feature with a raster of the specified size with a numeric value using the parameters supplied, and sends it into the workspace for processing.
- 如果你把一根点燃的香烟掉在地上,就有可能引起火灾。If you drop a lighted cigarette, you could set off a fire.
- 你们有祸了!因为你们修造先知的坟墓,那先知正是你们的祖宗所杀的。Woe to you, because you build tombs for the prophets, and it was your forefathers who killed them.
- 你们有听师父讲过我们两个出家人,救一只蜈蚣的故事吗?Have you heard me tell the story about two nuns trying to save a centipede?