- 你们有多大的进展?How much progress did you make?
- 那么过来,你这个棒小子,让我拉看看你有多大的能耐。Come on then, you bully; show us what you're made of.
- 我们必须清醒地估计一下,究竟对党对人民有多大的贡献?We should soberly assess our contributions to the Party and people.
- 工作没有多大的进展。The work hasn't progressed very far.
- 从他们对我热情的招呼中我可以看出,他们对我抱有多大的期望。I know from their greetings how much they expected of me.
- 你们厂一年有多大的生产能力?How much production capacity does your factory have for one year?
- 当时她看到图片上整洁而又营养充足穿蓝色校服的学童并不感到有多大安慰。The sight of sleek well-fed blue-coat boys in pictures, was at that time, little consolatory to her.
- 有多大的工作量?How much work is there?
- 他的说法经核实过后真实程度有多大?How does his story check out with the facts?
- 你们调查过这种产品的需求量有多大吗?Have you investigate how big the market for this product will be?
- 我有多大的深造或受训机会?What are my opportunities for additional training or further education?
- 他们有多大的消费力?How much spending power do they have?
- 已经可以看得很清楚,单凭通讯,不会使事情有多大进展。It was already clear that not much progress would be made by correspondence.
- 我们的价格得看你们的订单有多大。Our price depends on how large your order is.
- 已经可以看得很清楚,单凭通讯,不会使事情有多大进展。It was already clear that not much progress would be made by correspondence.
- 你们调查过这种产品的需求量有多大吗?Have you investigate how big the market for this product will be?
- 对许多科学家和工程师,人们都是根据他们的成就有多大来评断的。Many of the scientists and engineers are judged in terms of how large their achievements are.
- 旱灾并没有使总产量有多大的削减。The drought made no appreciable dent on total production.
- 你们自己究有多大本领,能够对内对外两面作战吗?Are you really so strong that you can fight a civil war and a war against the foreign foe at the same time?
- 不管障碍看来有多大,我们永远不应放松削减战争武器的努力。And no matter how great the obstacles may seem, we must never stop our efforts to reduce the weapons of war.