- 你们还有治唇裂的药吗?Have you also got something suitable for sore lips?
- 我觉得不舒服。有治晕机的药吗?-是的,我们有。我给您去拿。但服药一小时后药效最佳。I'm not feeling well. Do you have some tablet for airsickness? -Yes, we have. I'll bring you one. But the tablet works best one hour after usage.
- 例会将在下季度续会,你们还有什么意见吗?The regular meeting will take place the next quater, any questions?
- 你有治这种皮疹的药吗?Can you also give me something for this rash?
- 关于贷款申请,你们还有什么其他限制?Do you have any other restrictions for loan applications?
- 我觉得不舒服。有治晕机的药吗?I~m not feeling well. Do you have some tablet for airsickness?
- 关于这一条你们还有什么意见?Have you any questions about this stipulation?
- 《圣经》上称我们有权活到70岁。如果我们还相信《圣经》,那还有什么好说的呢?The good book, if we are to believe it, says we are entitled to three score years and ten. Who am I to argue?
- 有些飞行员在中国上空机毁人伤,你们还记得那些勇敢的小伙子吧?Some of those pilots landed in China. You remember those brave young boys.
- 是的,你说对了,我肚子不舒服,可能昨天吃的东西有点问题,所以,我现在难受极了,你这有治腹泻的药吗?Yes,you hit it the nose. I have some matter with my stomach. Maybe something I ate yesterday didn't agree with me so I'm not feeling myself now. do you have any kind of drugs for it?
- "Harmsworth先生," 我用微弱的声音说。 "别打断我的说。" 他说。"Mr Harmsworth, " I said in a weak voice, "Don't interrupt, " he said.
- 你们还有松饼剩吗?Do you have any muffins left?
- 在这个万物都会死亡或消失的世界上,惟有金子,有时还有银子,能长久存在。In this would where all other things die and pass away, gold, and sometimes also silver, remain.
- 你们还有空缺吗?I wonder whether you have any position open?
- 你们还有没有洋葱汤?我在菜单上没看到呢。Do you still have onion soup? I don't see it on the menu.
- 就这一点你们还有什么问题吗?Do you have any questions at this point?
- 你认为今天你的表现还有上升空间吗?有什么地方需要改进吗?Did you find some room for improvement after that, some things to change, work on?
- 当你俩控制了感情,同意免费干活时,我就知道你们还有希望。When you boys mastered your emotions,first by agreeing to work for free,I knew there was hope.
- 你们俩若能住嘴五分钟,我还有可能告诉你们。这吵吵闹闹的弄得我脑子一团糟。If you'd both shut up for five minutes, I might tell you. I can't think straight with all these interruptions.
- 如果机器坏了,你们还有备用的吗?If the machine breaks down, do you have any other spare one?